1. send_timeout
syntax: send_timeout the time
default: send_timeout 60
context: http, server, location
Directive assigns response timeout to client. Timeout is established not on entire transfer of answer, but only between two operations of reading, if after this time client will take nothing, then nginx is shutting down the connection.
2. 负载均衡配置时的2个参数:fail_timeout和max_fails
这2个参数一起配合,来控制nginx怎样认为upstream中的某个server是失效的当在fail_timeout的时间内,某个server连 接失败了max_fails次,则nginx会认为该server不工作了。同时,在接下来的 fail_timeout时间内,nginx不再将请求分发给失效的server。
3. proxy模块的 proxy_connect_timeout syntax:
proxy_connect_timeout timeout_in_seconds
context: http, server, location
This directive assigns a timeout for the connection to the proxyserver. This is not the time until the server returns the pages, this is the proxy_read_timeout statement. If your proxyserver is up, but hanging (e.g. it does not have enough threads to process your request so it puts you in the pool of connections to deal with later), then this statement will not help as the connection to the server has been made. It is necessary to keep in mind that this time out cannot be more than 75 seconds.
4. proxy模块的proxy_read_timeout syntax:
proxy_read_timeout the_time
default: proxy_read_timeout 60
context: http, server, location
This directive sets the read timeout for the response of the proxied server. It determines how long NGINX will wait to get the response to a request. The timeout is established not for entire response, but only between two operations of reading.
In contrast to proxy_connect_timeout, this timeout will catch a server that puts you in it's connection pool but does not respond to you with anything beyond that. Be careful though not to set this too low, as your proxy server might take a longer time to respond to requests on purpose (e.g. when serving you a report page that takes some time to compute). You are able though to have a different setting per location, which enables you to have a higher proxy_read_timeout for the report page's location.
If the proxied server nothing will communicate after this time, then nginx is shut connection.
另一个参考:504 Gateway Time-out问题
常见于使用nginx作为web server的服务器的网站 我遇到这个问题是在升级discuz论坛的时候遇到的
一般看来, 这种情况可能是由于nginx默认的fastcgi进程响应的缓冲区太小造成的, 这将导致fastcgi进程被挂起, 如果你的fastcgi服务对这个挂起处理的不好, 那么最后就极有可能导致504 Gateway Time-out
现在的网站, 尤其某些论坛有大量的回复和很多内容的, 一个页面甚至有几百K
默认的fastcgi进程响应的缓冲区是8K, 我们可以设置大点
在nginx.conf里, 加入:
fastcgi_buffers 8 128k
当然如果您在进行某一项即时的操作, 可能需要nginx的超时参数调大点, 例如设置成60秒:
send_timeout 60;
我只是调整了这两个参数, 结果就是没有再显示那个超时, 可以说效果不错, 但是也可能是由于其他的原因, 目前关于nginx的资料不是很多, 很多事情都需要长期的经验累计才有结果, 期待您的发现哈!
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