在做一个OA系统项目中,开发到传真模块,传真数据是通过aofax收发的,现在要把收到的tif文档显示到浏览器上。最好的办法是把tif文档转换成pdf的格式。 步骤如下: 1、运行以下五条代码 sudo aptitude update sudo aptitude install make php5-cli php5-gd ph
sudo aptitude update
sudo aptitude install make php5-cli php5-gd php5-dev php-pear gs-common ghostscript
sudo aptitude remove php5-imagick
sudo apt-get install libmagick9-dev
sudo pecl install imagick //一旦只安装这个会出问题就把上面四个都安装了
3、重启apache,/etc/init.d/apache restart
private function tif_to_pdf($file_tif,$file_pdf){
$errors = array();
$cmd_ps2pdf = "/usr/bin/ps2pdfwr";
// $file_tif = escapeshellarg($file_tif);//escapeshellarg函数用于过滤shell参数
// $file_pdf = escapeshellarg($file_pdf);
if (!file_exists($file_tif)) $errors[] = "Original TIFF file: ".$file_tif." does not exist";
if (!file_exists($cmd_ps2pdf)) $errors[] = "Ghostscript PostScript to PDF converter not found at: ".$cmd_ps2pdf;
if (!extension_loaded("imagick")) $errors[] = "Imagick extension not installed or not loaded";
if (!count($errors)) {
// 确认文件的基本路径
$base = $file_pdf;
if(($ext = strrchr($file_pdf, '.')) !== false) $base = substr($file_pdf, 0, -strlen($ext));
// Determine the temporary .ps filepath
$file_ps = $base.".ps";
// 打开原始的.tiff文件
$document = new Imagick($file_tif);
// Use Imagick to write multiple pages to 1 .ps file
if (!$document->writeImages($file_ps, true)) {
$errors[] = "Unable to use Imagick to write multiple pages to 1 .ps file: ".$file_ps;
} else {
// Use ghostscript to convert .ps -> .pdf
exec($cmd_ps2pdf." -sPAPERSIZE=a4 ".$file_ps." ".$file_pdf, $o, $r);
if ($r) {
$errors[] = "Unable to use ghostscript to convert .ps(".$file_ps.") -> .pdf(".$file_pdf."). Check rights. ";
// return array with errors, or true with success.
if (!count($errors)) {
return true;
} else {
return $errors;
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