2015-07-13 23:17:40
来 源
Ubuntu版本11.04,64bit AMD平台,从Plone4.0.7升级到4.1.3。 1、/usr/local/Plone/zinstance/bin/plonectl stop; 2、先备份/usr/local/Plone文件夹,如拷贝成文件夹Plone_backup_4.0.7; 3、将/usr/local/Plone用mv命令改名成Plone.tmp; 4、从Plone.org下

Ubuntu版本11.04,64bit AMD平台,从Plone4.0.7升级到4.1.3。
1、/usr/local/Plone/zinstance/bin/plonectl stop;
5、解压缩,然后以root身份安装Plone 4.1.3,standalone模式。注意要指定密码与原站点密码一致。典型的安装命令的形式如:  ./install.sh standalone --password=your password here;
6、安装成功后,运行plonectl start,打开浏览器察看http://localhost:8080看Plone运行是否正常;
8、cd /usr/local/Plone/zinstance,执行/bin/buildout命令重新配置Plone;
9、/usr/local/Plone/zinstance/bin/plonectl restart;
11、停止服务,运行/usr/local/Plone/zinstance/bin/plonectl stop;
12、将/usr/local/Plone/zinstance/var接下来的filestorage和blobstorage两个文件夹移动到### Orig file backup ###文件夹中作为备份;
14、/usr/local/Plone/zinstance/bin/plonectl start;


How to upgrade a Plone site to a newer version

This is a short version, more information can be found at

1. Stop Plone / Zope

2. Always back up your Plone site. You should back up:

* Your Data.fs which contains your site data
* Any file system files you have modified
* Your blob storage if you are already using blobs

3. Install the new version of Plone, this depends upon your installation.
The latest version of Plone is always available from
http://plone.org/download and your install will depend upon your particular

4. Restart Plone / Zope

5. Open up the Zope root folder in a browser. It will show you an overview of
all installed Plone sites and tell you which ones need to be upgraded.
Follow the onscreen instructions.

Running the upgrade may:

* Change values you have set in the ZODB, for example actions and properties

* Re-catalog your portal_catalog, this may be time-consuming

* Reapply security to objects, this may be time-consuming

If you have issues please search for an update of your Python, Zope, Plone and
third-party add-ons and read http://plone.org/upgrade.
If you still have issues please the use the bug tracker at
http://dev.plone.org/plone and include: your Python version, the platform, the
Plone versions you are upgrading to and from and most
important: the full traceback and upgrade log. Try to provide as much
information as possible.

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