Transmission BitTorrent客户端2.21今日发布。该版本增加了对下载文件的记忆功能等新特点。 变化列表: File re-verification is no longer needed in some situations Improve support for running scripts when a torrent finishes downloading Interface t
Transmission BitTorrent客户端2.21今日发布。该版本增加了对下载文件的记忆功能等新特点。
File re-verification is no longer needed in some situations
Improve support for running scripts when a torrent finishes downloading
Interface tweaks
Support ZIP and other compression formats in the blocklist downloader
sudo add-apt-repository ppa:transmissionbt/ppa
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install transmission-gtk
sudo dpkg -i –force-all /var/cache/apt/archives/transmission-common_2.21-0ubuntu1.10.10.1_all.deb
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