Ubuntu安装Bochs别忘了Bochs-x ,如果忘记安装 bochs-x 启动时会出如下错误: Bochs x86 Emulator 2.4.5 Build from CVS snapshot, on April 25, 2010 00000000000i[ ] LTDL_LIBRARY_PATH not set. using compile time default /usr/lib/bochs/plugins 000000
Ubuntu安装Bochs别忘了Bochs-x ,一旦忘记安装 bochs-x 启动时会出如下错误:
Bochs x86 Emulator 2.4.5
Build from CVS snapshot, on April 25, 2010
00000000000i[ ] LTDL_LIBRARY_PATH not set. using compile time default '/usr/lib/bochs/plugins'
00000000000i[ ] BXSHARE not set. using compile time default '/usr/share/bochs'
00000000000i[ ] reading configuration from bochsrc
00000000000i[ ] lt_dlhandle is (nil)
00000000000p[ ] >>PANIC<< dlopen failed for module 'x': file not found
Event type: PANIC
Device: [ ]
Message: dlopen failed for module 'x': file not found
A PANIC has occurred. Do you want to:
cont - continue execution
alwayscont - continue execution, and don't ask again.
This affects only PANIC events from device [ ]
die - stop execution now
abort - dump core
debug - hand control to gdb
Choose one of the actions above: [die]
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