Vendetta Online 是由Guild Software公司开发的一款大型多人联机角色扮演游戏。游戏让数以千计的玩家能够同事化身飞行员,在广袤无垠的宇宙中驾驶太空飞船,穿梭于宇宙的各个星球与空间站之间。游戏中的所有战斗是完全实时的,完全基于twitch技术(没有虚拟
Vendetta Online 是由Guild Software公司开发的一款大型多人联机角色扮演游戏。游戏让数以千计的玩家能够同事化身飞行员,在广袤无垠的宇宙中驾驶太空飞船,穿梭于宇宙的各个星球与空间站之间。游戏中的所有战斗是完全实时的,完全基于“twitch”技术(没有“虚拟滚动延时”)。玩家可以直接驾驶自己的飞船,而不是作为一个后座导航。玩家可以与其它玩家、NPC 们对战,或是组队进行大规模会战,或者帮助根除恶势力。星系的蓬勃发展和复杂的经济使得贸易商,矿工和走私者一样都很多机会被玩家挑选。
Conquerable station defense turrets no longer fire on access key holders while the are leaving the sector.
Friendly-fire deaths caused by Avalon explosions no longer kick players out of Border Skirmish missions.
Added experimental network quality reporting. To enable report logging to your chat window, type /set nShowNetQualReport 1
Added idle-detection captcha to non-premium subscriptions.
Fixed problem where the player’s persistent capship fails to leave 5 minutes after the owner logs out when the owner attempted to control their own capship but timed out or otherwise has excessive lag.
Deleted characters are no longer listed as holders of access keys.
Fixed some Java object reference leaks on Android.
Some widely-requested changes and tweaks, as well as further work towards feature improvements like network-quality detection. This is all working towards some larger launches later this month.
安装Vendetta Online免费试用版
chmod +x
sudo ./
-切换到游戏安装目录下‘/home/[username]/bin'>运行命令'sudo ./vendetta'.选择‘No, I already have an account'然后选择运行vendetta。
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