TSM for Windows 最新版本下载及安装指南详细步骤,自中国存储网发布了TSM 7.1版本新功能介绍文章后,许多朋友联系索要下载地址。现在就提供TSM最新版本下载地址及安装配置方法。
TSM for Windows 最新版本下载及安装指南详细步骤,自中存储发布了TSM 7.1版本新功能介绍文章后,许多朋友联系索要下载地址。现在就提供TSM最新版本下载地址,具体安装要求检查端口,添加IP,翻译了一部分,剩下的大家自己看吧,挺简单的。如果还是明白,那就可以找个TSM 6或5.5的windows安装管理手册看看去吧(另附:TSM6.2.1下载地址)。
- 如果你是在防火墙后面,端口1500必须在防火墙中打开的备份客户端的工作。您必须添加TSM服务器的IP地址(到可信任的IP地址列表。
- 联系lau@vt.edu注册并获得一个节点名和密码。
- 登录到您的计算机,该计算机拥有管理员权限的帐户。
- 打开Windows资源管理器或文件管理器,如果存在ABC:tsm_images文件夹,删除ABC:tsm_images文件夹,(用安装Windows的驱动器的盘符替换ABC)。
- 安装TSM客户端
- 根据你的windows版本下载相应介质,TSM 7.1下载链接
- Save the installer file to your computer.
- When the download is complete, double-click the file to start the installer.
- In the user account control window, click the Yes button.
- To have the program installed to the default location, click the Next button.
- To use the installer in English, click OK.
- If prompted to install additional items:
- Click the Install button.
- Follow all prompts to install the required software and restart your computer if instructed.
- Click the Next button.
- To have the program installed to the default location, click the Next button.
- Select the Typical radio button.
- Click the Next button.
- Click the Install button.
- If prompted by a user account control window, click the Yes button.
- When the installation is complete, click the Finish button.
- Restart your computer.
- If you are prompted to restart your computer, click the Yes button.
- If you are not prompted to restart your computer, restart your computer.
- Download the dsm file.
- Go to the dsm.opt Web page.
- If prompted to enter credentials, log on with your full @vt.edu email address and VT Google Apps password. If you have forgotten your password, follow the instructions at Changing or Resetting Your VT Google Apps Account Password.
- If you see a list of files in your Drive, go to the dsm.opt Web page.
- Under Apologies. There is no preview available, click the Download button.
- Save the file to your computer.
- Open the dsm.opt file in Notepad.
- Click the Start button.
- Type: notepad
- As you type, results will appear and change. Select Notepad.
- From the File drop-down list, select Open....
- To view all files, from the Text Documents (*.txt) drop-down list, select All Files.
- Select the dsm.opt file you saved earlier.
- Click the Open button.
- Edit the dsm.opt file.
- At the top of the file, after NODENAME, replace xxxx.vt.edu with the nodename assigned to you.
- Example: NODENAME abcd1234.vt.edu
- Save and close the file.
- From the File drop-down list, select Save.
- Close all windows.
- Move the dsm.opt file to the appropriate location.
- In Windows Explorer or File Explorer, navigate to the ABC:Program FilesTivoliTSMbaclient folder. Replace ABC with the letter of the drive where TSM was installed.
- To move the dsm.opt file to the baclient folder, drag the dsm.opt icon to the baclient folder window.
- When prompted to provide administrator permission, click the Continue button.
- Start TSM Backup-Archive GUI.
- Click the Start button.
- Type: backup
- As you type, results will appear and change. Select Backup-Archive GUI..
- Confirm running the program.
- In the user account control window, click the Yes button.
- If prompted to unblock TSM:
- Place a check in the Private networks, such as my home or work network check box.
- Click the Allow access button.
- In the Password: text box, type the TSM password assigned to you.
- Click the Login button.
- Change your password.
- Near the top of the window, click the Utilities link.
- Select Change Password....
- In the Current password: text box, type the TSM password assigned to you.
- In the New password: text box, type a new password.
- In the Verify password: text box, re-type the new password.
- Click the Change button.
- Click OK.
- Perform a test of the backup process.
- Near the top of the window, click the Actions link.
- Select Backup.
- In the left pane, double-click Local.
- In the left pane, under Local, navigate to a folder containing a small file to use as a test of the backup process.
- In the right pane, place a check in the check box corresponding to the small file. Do not place a check in any hard drive check box(es), because you are only testing the connection.
- Click the Backup button.
- When the backup is complete, click OK.
- To verify that the test of the backup was successful, look for Failed: 0 which indicates there was no failures.
- Close the Backup Report window.
- Configure the backup scheduler. This step is only necessary if you have never installed TSM on the computer before.
- Near the top of the IBM Tivoli Storage Manager window, click the Utilities link.
- Select Setup Wizard.
- Place a check in the Help me configure the TSM Client Scheduler check box.
- Click the Next button.
- Click the Next button.
- Select the Install a new or additional scheduler radio button.
- Click the Next button.
- Place a check in the Use the Client Acceptor daemon (CAD) to manage the scheduler check box.
- Click the Next button.
- In the TSM acceptor name text box, type: TSM Client Acceptor Daemon
- Click the Next button.
- Click the Next button.
- Click the Next button.
- In the TSM Password text box, type your TSM password.
- Click the Next button.
- If not already selected, select the The System account radio button.
- Select the Automatically when Windows boots radio button.
- Click the Next button.
- Click the Next button.
- Select the Yes radio button.
- Click the Next button.
- Click the Apply button.
- Click the Finish button.
- Check the schedule log to verify that the scheduler has contacted the server.
- In Windows Explorer or File Explorer, navigate to the ABC:Program FilesTivoliTSMbaclient folder. Replace ABC with the letter of the drive where TSM was installed.
- Double-click the dsmsched.log icon.
- Look at the text to verify that the scheduler has contacted the server.
- Close the log file window. Installation is complete. Backup will run at the scheduled time between 6:00 p.m. and 5:00 a.m. If you have to turn your machine off overnight, send an email message to Eliza Lau at lau@vt.edu.
- Send an email message to Eliza Lau at lau@vt.edu with the DNS name of the computer and the name of the computer's owner.
- Set up open file support to back up locked files (such as archived PST files).
- In the IBM Tivoli Storage Manager window, click the Utilities link.
- Select Setup Wizard.
- Place a check in the Help me configure Open File Support check box.
- Click the Next button.
- Click the Next button.
- Select the Volume Shadowcopy Services (VSS) radio button.
- Click the Next button.
- Click the Apply button.
- Click the Finish button.
- In the IBM Tivoli Storage Manager window, click the File link.
- Select Exit.
- Restart your computer.
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