NBU 7.5 SAN客户端安装实施文档,NBU SAN Client功能是NBU 6.5时候推出的,主要是减轻LAN-Free 备份中客户端的压力的一种方式。
NBU 7.5 SAN客户端安装实施文档
1 安装前环境准备准备
NBU SAN Client功能是NBU 6.5时候推出的,主要是减轻LAN-Free 备份中客户端的压力的一种方式。
在实施之前需要对FT Meida server 和SAN Client 做规划。
首先看上图,FT Meidia server 中需要两块支持特定功能的HBA卡,相关HBA卡型号可以在NBU的兼容性列表中找到。FT Meida Server 中一块HBA卡修改为 target 模式,目的是 模拟虚拟的类似驱动器资源,这样SAN Client端就能够识别到类似Tape Drive资源,FT Meida server中另一块 HBA卡initiator 模式保持不变,这块 HBA卡可以连接VTL,PTL或者DISK。最终达到的目的是备份数据流从 SAN Client 端传送到target 模式的HBA卡传送到FT Meida server ,然后通过另一块HBA卡传送到 备份目标端,达到 LAN -Free备份的目的。
下面是典型的SAN Client环境系统拓扑图:
推荐的方式是FT Media Server 不要和 Master Server是同一台机器。实施 SAN Cleint的 客户端的用于备份的HBA卡和FT Meida Server中target模式的HBA卡在一个 SAN Switch
zone 里面。FTMeida Server 中initiator 模式的HBA和备份目标端的Disk或者VTL或者PTL在同一个Zone中。
NBU 7.5中支持的 FT Media Server的系统版本是 Novell SuSE Enterprise Linux 10 on x86-64SP2/SP3; Red Hat Enterprise Linux 4 on x86-64Update 3/Update 5; Red Hat Enterprise Linux 5 on x86-64GA/Update 2/ Update 3; Red Hat Enterprise Linux 5 on x86-64Update 4/Update 5/ Update 6/ Update7; Red Hat Enterprise Linux 6 on x86-64GA/Update 1.只有这些系统版本才支持FT Media Server.
2 实施过程
Master Server :redhat 5.8 X64 also Opscenter server
FT Meida Server:redhat 5.4 X64 2 qlogic 2560 HBA card
Clients : AIX 5300-10;redhat 5.6 X64;redhat 4.6 X64
Master Server Netbackup Version
FT Meida Server FT Netbackup Version
Client AIX Netbackup Version
Clientredhat5.4 Netbackup Version
Clientredhat4.6 Netbackup Version
VTL :suresave VTL5000 :虚拟出来STKL40
Disk: 10T disk pool
Master Server 安装nbu 7.5并打补丁到
FT Meida Server安装nbu 7.5并打补丁到
AIX 客户端 安装nbu 7.5客户端并打补丁到
Redhat 5.4客户端 安装nbu 7.5客户端并打补丁到
Redhat 4.6客户端 安装nbu 7.1客户端并打补丁到
2.2.4 SAN Client 配置过程:在FT Media Server上启动nbhba模式:
# cd /usr/openv/openv/netbackup/bin/admincmd/
Installing nbhba driver.
Uninstalled WinDriver for FT Server mode.
It may be necessary to temporarily unload your QLogicdriversto free up the ports for the nbhba
This is an optional step. If you choose not to do this, the
nbhba drivers may not have access to the HBA ports until a
subsequent reboot.
Would you like to unload and reload your native QLogic drivers now? [y,n] (y) y
Are you sure you want to unload QLogic driver: qla2xxx? [y,n] (y) y
Removing qla2xxx.
Installed driver for nbhba mode. 查看HBA模式状态
# ./nbhba -L
4 ports recognized; 0 target mode ports; mode : driver in nbhba mode
HBA Index #1
Device ID = 2432
World Wide Name = XX:XX:XX:XX:XX:XX:XX:XX
Model Name = "QLE2462 "
Port = 0
Mode = initiator (designated for other use)(138)
HBA Index #2
Device ID = 2432
World Wide Name = XX:XX:XX:XX:XX:XX:XX:XX
Model Name = "QLE2462 "
Port = 1
Mode = initiator (designated for other use)(138)
HBA Index #3
Device ID = 2432
World Wide Name = XX:XX:XX:XX:XX:XX:XX:XX
Model Name = "QLE2462 "
Port = 0
Mode = initiator (designated for other use)(138)
HBA Index #4
Device ID = 2432
World Wide Name = XX:XX:XX:XX:XX:XX:XX:XX
Model Name = "QLE2462 "
Port = 1
Mode = initiator (designated for other use)(138) 修改HBA模式
Command: nbhba –modify –wwn<HBA WWPN> -mode target
[root@ admincmd]# ./nbhba -modify -wwn 21:00:00:E0:8B:9B:96:F0 -mode target
Modified port with WWN 21:00:00:E0:8B:9B:96:F0
Modified port with WWN 21:01:00:E0:8B:BB:96:F0
对于QLA/QLE-2462, QLE-2562 (dual port) and QLE-2564 (quad port)的光纤卡可以使用如下命令对每个端口设置Target模式
nbhba -modify -wwn<wwn string> -wwn<wwn string> -wwn<wwn string> -mode target 确认模式更改成功
[root@ admincmd]#./nbhba -L
4 ports recognized; 2 target mode ports; mode : driver in nbhba mode
HBA Index #1
Device ID = 2432
World Wide Name = XX:XX:XX:XX:XX:XX:XX:XX
Model Name = "QLE2462 "
Port = 0
Mode = initiator (designated for other use)(138)
HBA Index #2
Device ID = 2432
World Wide Name = XX:XX:XX:XX:XX:XX:XX:XX
Model Name = "QLE2462 "
Port = 1
Mode = initiator (designated for other use)(138)
HBA Index #3
Device ID = 2432
World Wide Name = XX:XX:XX:XX:XX:XX:XX:XX
Model Name = "QLE2462 "
Port = 0
Mode = target (designated for FT Server)(8138)
HBA Index #4
Device ID = 2432
World Wide Name = XX:XX:XX:XX:XX:XX:XX:XX
Model Name = "QLE2462 "
Port = 1
Mode = target (designated for FT Server)(8138) 配置 FT Meida Server 服务
[root@ admincmd]# ./nbftsrv_config
Installing the JungoWinDriver and Fibre Transport Server.
Uninstalled WinDriver for FT Server mode.
Removing ql2300_stub.
The following automatic startup and shutdown scripts (respectively) have
been installed. They will cause the NetBackupFibre Transport Server daemon
to be automatically shut down and restarted each time the system boots.
Installed driver for FT Server mode.
/etc/udev/rules.d/50-windrvr.rules does not exist, creating...
/etc/udev/rules.d/50-windrvr.rules updated with JungoWinDriver permissions.
Installed WinDriver for FT Server mode.
NetBackupFibre Transport Server started.
Would you like to make these changes persist after a reboot? [y,n] (y) y
Running mkinitrd. Previous initrd image is saved at /boot/initrd-2.6.18-194.el5.img.03-23-
完成后重启 FT Media Server. 验证服务
重启完成后验证FT Media Server针对SAN Client的服务是否启动
[root@ ~]# cd /usr/openv/netbackup/bin/
[root@ bin]# ./bpps
root 2873 1 9 13:27 ? 00:00:05 /usr/openv/netbackup/bin/nbftsrvr
root 3138 1 0 13:27 ? 00:00:00 /usr/openv/netbackup/bin/vnetd -standalone
root 3143 1 0 13:27 ? 00:00:00 /usr/openv/netbackup/bin/bpcd -standalone
root 3147 3143 0 13:27 ? 00:00:00 [bpcd] <defunct>
root 3323 1 0 13:27 ? 00:00:00 /usr/openv/netbackup/bin/bpcompatd
root 3331 1 0 13:27 ? 00:00:00 /usr/openv/netbackup/bin/nbrmms
root 3353 1 0 13:27 ? 00:00:00 /usr/openv/netbackup/bin/nbsl
root 3408 1 0 13:27 ? 00:00:00 /usr/openv/netbackup/bin/nbsvcmon
root 3770 2873 12 13:27 ? 00:00:02 /usr/openv/netbackup/bin/nbfdrv64 -m=0x4a0009 -v=1 -s=256K
到这里 FT Media Server端就配置完成了。另外如下命令可以辅助查看一些信息
PS-NETBACKUP:~ # nbftconfig -lt –verbose 查看target模式光纤卡的信息
PS-NETBACKUP:~ # nbftconfig -lc–verbose查看SAN Client信息命令
PS-NETBACKUP:~ # nbftconfig -la –verbose 查看SAN Client激活机器状态信息 配置 SAN客户端
AIX Client配置:
执行/usr/openv/netbackup/bin/bpclntcmd–sanclient 1启用SAN Client
执行/usr/openv/netbackup/bin/bpps -x确认nbftclnt服务是否正常启动。
执行系统命令cfgmgr后利用lsdev–Cctape确认识别到ARCHIVE Python 的驱动器
# cfgmgr
cfgmgr: 0514-621 WARNING: The following device packages are required for
device support but are not currently installed.
# lsdev -Cc tape
rmt0 Available 04-08-01 Other FC SCSI Tape Drive
rmt1 Available 04-08-01 Other FC SCSI Tape Drive
rmt2 Available 04-08-01 Other FC SCSI Tape Drive
rmt3 Available 05-08-01 Other FC SCSI Tape Drive
Redhat 客户端配置:
执行/usr/openv/netbackup/bin/bpclntcmd–sanclient 1启用SAN Client
执行/usr/openv/netbackup/bin/bpps -x确认nbftclnt服务是否正常启动。
# Add the troublesome device on LUN 1 for the FT server
echo "scsi add-single-device 0 0 0 1"> /proc/scsi/scsi
echo "scsi add-single-device 0 0 1 1"> /proc/scsi/scsi
echo "scsi add-single-device 0 0 2 1"> /proc/scsi/scsi
echo "scsi add-single-device 0 0 3 1"> /proc/scsi/scsi
echo "scsi add-single-device 0 0 4 1"> /proc/scsi/scsi
echo "scsi add-single-device 0 0 5 1"> /proc/scsi/scsi
echo "scsi add-single-device 0 0 6 1"> /proc/scsi/scsi
echo "scsi add-single-device 0 0 7 1"> /proc/scsi/scsi
echo "scsi add-single-device 1 0 0 1"> /proc/scsi/scsi
echo "scsi add-single-device 1 0 1 1"> /proc/scsi/scsi
echo "scsi add-single-device 1 0 2 1"> /proc/scsi/scsi
echo "scsi add-single-device 1 0 3 1"> /proc/scsi/scsi
echo "scsi add-single-device 1 0 4 1"> /proc/scsi/scsi
echo "scsi add-single-device 1 0 5 1"> /proc/scsi/scsi
echo "scsi add-single-device 1 0 6 1"> /proc/scsi/scsi
echo "scsi add-single-device 1 0 7 1"> /proc/scsi/scsi
echo "scsi add-single-device 2 0 0 1"> /proc/scsi/scsi
echo "scsi add-single-device 2 0 1 1"> /proc/scsi/scsi
echo "scsi add-single-device 2 0 2 1"> /proc/scsi/scsi
echo "scsi add-single-device 2 0 3 1"> /proc/scsi/scsi
echo "scsi add-single-device 2 0 4 1"> /proc/scsi/scsi
echo "scsi add-single-device 2 0 5 1"> /proc/scsi/scsi
echo "scsi add-single-device 2 0 6 1"> /proc/scsi/scsi
echo "scsi add-single-device 2 0 7 1"> /proc/scsi/scsi
/dev/MAKEDEV sg
然后重启redhat,保证FT Media Server映射过来的设备在redhat中能够正常识别。重启后查看/porc/scsi/scsi查看是否已经识别ARCHIVE Python设备,正常识别为正常。
install_pathNetBackupbinbpclntcmd.exe -sanclient 1然后重启机器
FT服务器端配置好之后会自动共享出Scsi设备,客户端发现共享出的设备如下图 Master Server 中配置查看SAN Client
NBconsole> Media and Device management > Devices > SAN Clients.中会自动识别SANClient,在NBU中也可以利用命令nbftconfig -ra来扫描SAN Client的管道设备配置。
正确的配置;类似下图: 策略配置
配置完成后可以设置策略,SAN Client 相关策略设置和一般的没有什么区别,策略执行是,系统检测到客户端的SAN Client,即优先走FC来传输数据。类似如下图:
至此SAN client 配置完成。
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