(1)同时更新的多个表之间没关系的:update table1 t1,table2 t2 set t1.a=1,t2.b=2 where t1.id=1 andt2.id=1(2)同时更新的多个表之间存在关系的:use mytest;CREATE TABLE
update table1 t1,table2 t2 set t1.a=1,t2.b=2 where t1.id=1 and t2.id=1
use mytest;
CREATE TABLE tb(id int ,da
insert tb values(1,'aaa');
insert tb values(2,'bbb');
insert tb values(3,'ccc');
use test;
CREATE TABLE tb(id int ,da
insert tb values(1,'aaa');
insert tb values(2,'bbb');
insert tb values(3,'ccc');
UPDATE mytest.tb,test.tb
SET mytest.tb.da
WHERE mytest.tb.id=test.tb.id
AND mytest.tb.id=2;
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