The apache does not start on my system!!!/>This problem can be several reasons.
(1) You have started more then one HTTP Server (IIS, Sambar, ZEUS and so on). Only one Server can occupy port 80. So you must terminate one http server, before you start the Apache. Some error messages like this show the problem:
"(OS 10048)... make_sock: could not bind to adress
no listening sockets available, shutting down"
"(OS 10038)Socket operation on non-socket: make
_sock: for address, apr_socket_opt_set: (SO_KEEPALIVE)
no listening sockets available, shutting down"
(2) You have Windows 95 with an outdated winsocks or your winsocks is damage. At least the Apache needs winsocks 2. Please download the current winsocks by www.microsoft.com.
(3) Sometimes the Winsock2 information has been corrupted by poorly written Internet programs (worms, virus). A Winsock2 Fix written by Tom Kynch can solve this problem (only 95,98,ME).
(4) It runs a firewall, which blocks the Apache port. In this case, some pictures or javascripts cannot load via http://. Sometimes, you must deinstall your firewall completly to fix this problem.
(5) You have XP professional without Service Pack 1. In this case the installation of SP1 is recommended urgently.
(6) You have a Virus Scan from McAffee. Sometimes it makes problems. Deactivate here McAffee for testing of XAMPP.
(7) You have other software, such as the Internet Telephone "SKYPE" which also blocks the port 80. (thanks Peter! ) However, one can change the SKYPE port: Actions -- > Options --> Connection. Here remove the check mark at "Port 80" for an alternate port. Restart Skype and also it should work. (thank Monty! )
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